Shutterfly is the leading digital retailer and manufacturer of high-quality personalized products and services. Their mission is to help consumers connect with loved ones by sharing memories and photos in creative and innovative ways.
As an embedded digital designer within Shutterfly's SEO team, I helped embody their cohesive and personable brand voice by fulfilling day-to-day web design requests ranging from banner ad creation to quarterly landing page opportunities.
Role: Content & SEO Specialist, digital + web design
Timeline: March 2020 - April 2022
Timeline: March 2020 - April 2022

A large part of my responsibility at Shutterfly was to design quarterly SEO-rich landing page templates in order to evolve the site with engaging content and visuals in the hierarchy. I worked closely with the creative, marketing, eComm, and dev team to design and QA each landing page so that it is responsive and optimized for mobile and desktop. Check out a live example here!

Responsible for concepting, art direction, and digital design of the Ideas & Inspiration blog. Below are a few examples of my online promo pieces (top: banner ad; bottom: thumbnail widgets).

This was my first ever design project! As the owner of the Shutterfly blog, I was in charge of strategizing new and existing business opportunities to maximize the potential of the brand while maintaining brand integrity. I proposed a site refresh for the blog homepage to become more inviting, intuitive, and modern.
Given my limited technical ability and resources at the time, I used what was readily available to me, which was the ol' reliable Microsoft Powerpoint! Creating a website wireframe in a tool not made for design is what pivoted me into pursuing a career in graphic design.

Although the layout itself is very simple, this project means a whole lot to me because it became the stepping stone to all my other designs above + I had a lot of fun in the process ㋡ Also, please note that I don't create wireframes in PowerPoint anymore!